To understand why distance energy healing is an effective and
complementary healing therapy it is helpful to have background information
about human evolution and the physics of the energy world we live in. I
understand this article is long, so if you are not interested in the physics of
energy healing, you can easily skip ahead to another section of interest.
Universal Life Cycle
In late 2011, a trio of scientists discovered that since the
big bang happened, the universe is expanding at an increasing pace, not decreasing
like previously thought! This expansion itself is synonymous with the 'growing
force'. As long as the expansion is increasing in speed, then all life
encompassed by the universe is within a growing process. When the expansion
pace stops, then the big life cycle of this universe will be mature,
reproduction of the universe will occur and then the universe will start to
break down and collapse back upon itself in the dying process. This life cycle
of birth, growing, maturity, reproduction, decline and finally death is seen in
every life form on earth.
Increasing pace of speed means all objects are vibrating
faster and being subjected to increased vibration. This is seen easily in our
sun, which grows hotter and puts out more energy each year. This means all life
on earth is being subjected to a stronger vibration and energy each year, as
the sun grows. We are growing too. This is obvious from looking at our fossil
record that life on earth has been subject to this growing force for millions
of years and there have been many growth cycles and metamorphosis of new
species over time.
The Growing Force
What is this growing force? Well, that is something
scientists cannot yet categorize, but it is likely equivalent to the large
invisible portion of the universe known as dark energy, which makes up 70% of
the universe. Only 5% of the universe is visible with objects such as the earth
and stars, down to atomic level and the other 25% of universe is composed of
dark matter. I understand the invisible dark energy to be the source energy
that contains all potential. It is the growing force, invisible light, and is
the source of the conscious intelligence that is present in all living forms.
Because it cannot be seen, this means it has not manifested as any form, it is
pure energy, and I liken it to the energy of our creator.
An interesting fact of physics is "objects gain mass by
moving through space". This means the growing force is causing all objects
to gain mass, which includes us. From Einstein's famous equation of E=mc²,
energy is equal to the mass times the speed of light squared. As objects gain
mass, obviously their energy increases and they vibrate faster. If you already understand
you are eternal and cannot be destroyed, this means your energetic vibration
and mass are increasing with each successive lifetime you have experienced.
Our Physical Reality
Physical life is not what it appears on the surface. The
reality is all objects we can see and feel are mostly composed of space. From
Nova's Fabric of the Cosmos Series Greene stated: "Matter is mostly empty space. If you take out the space and the
mass of the Empire
State Building,
it would condense to the size of a super-heavy grain of rice. Space is not
actually empty. It is seething with activity at the quantum level. Particles
are continually flashing in and out of existence." The universe is 95%
invisible space, the empire state building is the same and the solid matter is like
a heavy grain of rice, the same is true of us. We look solid, but the reality
is we are full of invisible space. That invisible space contains our source
energy, our essence, our soul, our growing force, it contains dark energy and
we are filled with the growing force itself, which is intelligent and
indestructible. This growing force is what gives us intuition, creativity,
physical form and allows healing to occur in our bodies to name a few things. Our
solid aspect is our current physical manifestation that we can see, but as we
know, it is only temporary and death will eventually destroy it. However, our
energetic aspect is eternal and cannot be destroyed. All the forms and forces
of the universe are within our bodies, we are part of the universe and thus an
object and subject to the same laws of physics that affect objects.
Spirituality is actually a physical force; it exists even if we cannot measure
it. Spirituality is the intelligent consciousness that is present in all life.
Consciousness is at the center of all the forces of physics, it is the unifying
force that physicists cannot find and we are one with it. The source cannot be
found in the normal way by observing past forms, it can only be located by
dropping our attachment to physical formed reality and becoming still. When we
are totally still, then we are one with it, we then can see it, feel it and
know it.
We are all connected
through the Universal Sea
The dark energy that fills the universe fills all objects as
well. It is like an invisible fluid that can easily penetrate all objects
because it has no solid particles, it is pure energy. Because there is no
matter in dark energy, then no object can shield from being saturated by it. It
is everywhere, ever-present and intelligent. We are all connected due to the
existence of dark energy that permeates everything. Dark energy exists as a
universally distributed and continuous fluid and by its nature is capable of
receiving, propagating and communicating all the impressions of movement. It is
comparable to the vehicle of transport of information between objects in the
universe. Because the dark energy permeates everything, effectively there is no
distance between any physical object in space-time and communication and
transport of information happens instantly. This pure fluid fills all the space
and interstices between all particles. We actually exist in a fluid world, like
fishes in the sea, where any movement of a fish affects all other fish in the
sea. Because of this universal fluid, we are able to approach each other,
withdraw, communicate, and be connected to each other. This fluid is the sole
mechanism for our reciprocal relations, it is consciousness itself.
What is Time?
In its simplest definition, time is a reference point about
something that physically happened in the universe, where 'the time' actually exists
primarily as a memory. Human time is a convenience to reference happenings of
the past, present and future. Time itself exists due to the growing force, so
can be seen as evidence of the growing force. There would not be time or future
reference points if there were not an expanding growing force. If we were at
the point where the universe had stopped expanding then matter would start to
collapse back on itself and we would see the effect of 'reverse-time' or going
backwards in time. If you could merge fully with the field of dark energy,
which you can do by being entirely still, then time ceases to exist. This is
because dark energy is the growing force and when you stop moving, then you are
one with it, and thus no movement is detected, time then appears to stand
still. An interesting 'spiritual fact' about time is all times exist at the
same time. Any specific 'time' can be referenced and accessed by knowing unique
qualities about the time in question whether it be past, present or future.
This is because each happening has a unique quality of vibration and
characteristics, which distinguish it from all other times. Okay, this
explanation needs another spiritual fact, and that is nothing is ever
destroyed, it only changes it shape. This fact makes distance energy healing
possible for past, present and future events.
Human Evolution Today
Human beings today face a profound evolutionary
transformation due to increasing vibration of the universe due to acceleration
of the growing force and the effect it is having on our bodies. It seems our
old human species is no longer suited to the new environment, and a
transformation is being forced on us to metamorphosis into a new species. It is
natural when near the end of a growth cycle, extra stress is put on organisms
to transform and this is the main reason for the growing sickness, violence and
stress we see today. Signs of this ongoing human transformation are increased
symptoms of disease, elevated stress levels, increased violence and on the
positive side spiritual awakenings in growing numbers of people today.
The evolution of humans on earth has been going on for
thousands of years, and what is important to know about it is, each generation
of humans has a higher level of self-realization. These days this is easy to
see by the increasing number of people who are experiencing spiritual
awakenings. As humans move through space-time by living successive lifetimes,
our mass increases which also means our vibration increases. This is equivalent
to saying our self-realization levels increase. This change in our energetic
vibration and awareness level through successive lifetimes is primarily stored in
the DNA, which contains instructions for our physical growing. When our
vibration or mass reaches a certain threshold, it will trigger strands in the
DNA to activate and a successive transformation or healing process will follow.
The accelerated evolutionary forces we face today have the reason to raise our
self-realization level. No matter where we are at individually in our
evolution, the current times with the stress and problems we face give everyone
an opportunity to learn about healing and transformation processes. The
illnesses and difficulties we face today can motivate us to find solutions and
ways to heal. Human evolution is the same as increased self-realization level
and rising awareness is the same as the healing process. Healing is also the
same as the growing process and always results in increased self-awareness.
Healing and higher level of spirituality are the same thing.
What causes Disease?
As the growing force from the universe increases our internal
vibration, it puts stress on our existing physical structure. It is like our
physical structure and organization eventually reaches a point where it cannot
exist in the increased vibration field and it starts to break down. This is a
natural process of evolution, change and transformation and part of the
universal growing force. With every living thing, there is a natural pattern or
birth, growing, maturation, reproduction, then decline and eventually death.
After reproduction, the physical form tends to be fixed, and while the growing
force is still vibrant and present, it does not prevent decline and death
because we are attached to our physical form and we prevent this force from
healing and transforming us due to our attachment to the known and familiar
form. The primary way we stay attached to the old form is by constant use of
our mind-voice or thinking. Decline starts because we do not let go of the existing
form and allow ourselves to be changed. If we were not attached to our
personality, if we were not clinging to existing known forms, then we would
simply transform and heal. When we do not let go of attachment to our old self,
this causes stress, fear, violence and disease because we are resisting the
transformation energy trying to keep the familiar mind-voice self intact. The
higher the vibration of the universe and the more rigid our outer self, the
less we allow change of our habits and conditioned ways, the sicker we will be.
The truth is we have plenty of energy to heal us; the dark energy is abundant
and instantly accessed. To start the healing process we need information about
healing, practice and experience with energy healing and believing it is
possible! Once we believe it is possible we will learn how to access this
abundant healing source and healing will happen. After healing happens then we
will be convinced of this powerful source, and will get an unexpected
side-affect of higher awareness and spiritual awakening and be motivated to go
on with it!
A living system is like being composed of two objects; there
is the manifest part of our physical body and the part not manifest as our
spirit or life force. Each is vibrating at a different rate. It is as if we
have a strong perfect vibration deep inside us, but the physicality and
structure of our body and personality that covers this, prevents the inside
vibration from manifesting externally as a whole and perfectly ‘in the flesh’.
The lower our physical level of vibration is, the more restricted the flow of
energy is throughout our body and the sicker and less aware we are. The
physical aspect of self is not our permanent or real aspect, rather it is our
reflected visible aspect, it represents what we are currently capable to
manifest given our self-knowledge and experience.
Our full potential is contained in our non-reflected
invisible aspect, which is our soul, spirit or source energy. This vibration is
the same as the vibration of dark energy or of the growing force itself. We can
access this vibration and be one with it by placing our attention in the
correct way to see it, feel it and be one with it. Our energetic aspect of self
is indestructible, eternal and has abundant energy and information. Being part
of the universal dark energy fluid that permeates everything, it is a vast
resource of huge energy potential and contains much information. We are made of
the material of the universe and we are made of light (dark energy). Because we
have light inside us, when we get still, then there is no sense of time because
we have matched the speed of light, because we are now being as one with light.
A fact of physics states that at the speed of light, transformation from matter
to energy physically happens. When we are as one with the source of light by
being still, then transformation from matter to energy physically happens and
our vibration increases and we become more aware. In the space of being still,
transformation, healing and metamorphosis happens. Being still is the
meditative state, and when we achieve it, we change. Distance healing is an
effective therapy because it puts the person being healed into this still state
that causes transformation and healing.
Energy Blocks
An energy block is an area in the body where energy has
difficulty to move through which prevents healing of the area. Disease and
injuries tend to manifest in areas of energy blocks. Energy blocks in the body
also form along a line in the body, so when a problem develops in one area, it
tends to later affect the next thing along that line. Energy blocks in the body
have a direct link with a program of conditioned response in the mind for the
use of this body section. Conditioned response maintains the energy block. All
humans have thousands of energy blocks, which we have created due to our
initial choices of response to happenings and conditioned use of our body, mind
and emotions afterwards. The energy block will continue to exist until the
conditioned response is removed, which happens when the mind reorganizes or is
As we live our life, we accumulate more energy blocks and eventually
the blocks become problematic and our body tells us this is so, by producing
symptoms as it tries to heal our problems. When we have an illness or disease, this
means our energy is not flowing through our body in an ideal way. If the energy
were flowing ideally, we would have perfect health as the body always tries to
maintain a homeostasis. When there are energy blocks, our system will respond
by producing symptoms, which are a sign of restoration towards balance. If the
normal way that the body eliminates toxins and harmful substances is blocked, it
will find another pathway to eliminate them.
From birth onwards, we accumulate energy blocks from
experiences in the tissues of the body and mind, which progressively reduce our
physical energetic vibration and result in less ability for our body to
maintain homeostasis. Energetic flows in the body get blocked and tension
accumulates in tissues of the body around those blockages, reducing our overall
energy. We create and maintain energy blocks in various ways. We unconsciously
protect an area of the body that was hurt in the past to prevent experiencing
pain in that area again. We make repetitive movements of facial and body
expressions, which cause excessive strength in lines relating to those movements
and weakness in areas of body not used. In our hectic lives we accumulate
stress and muscle tension, and do not know how to release it daily. There is inherited
genetic imprinting causing genetic disease, which is due to long unresolved
issues of self-change. The reasons for energy blocks in the body are varied but
there is one common factor, and that is due to our habitual use of our mind in
a programmed way. The longer an energy block stays in place, the more our
overall energy is reduced as it eventually spreads and starts to reduce energy
flow in associated body parts. The lower our energy gets the less ability we
have to stave off disease and maintain a healthy and flexible state in the
Common to all
therapies and treatments is healing happens due to a boost in our energetic
vibration. Massage releases tension from muscles, stored energy is released and
returned to the system. Taking needed vitamins or supplements can make our
system run smoother and more efficiently. If we are hungry and eat or are tired
and sleep, then our energy is replenished. Taking a nature walk, can relax mind
and body and release stress. Fasting and cleansing protocols can rest and clean
the digestive system. It takes a lot of energy to digest food, and when we fast
there is an immediate boost in energy, which many experience also as increased
clarity and awareness. Switching to a healthier diet will increase our
energetic vibration, as it takes less energy to digest healthy foods and the
nutrient boost helps heal our body. Daily meditation releases stress and
increases awareness levels. Exercise keeps energy vibration high, and tissues
elastic and functional, opening areas of energy blocks in the body. Learning to
go beyond conditioned response patterns of thinking and emotions, by reading,
self-help groups, EFT or therapy greatly increases energy. Energy treatments
such as distance healing, acupuncture, reiki, cranial sacral therapy,
chiropractic, or zero balancing will all increase energy by released energetic
blocks of various kinds.
The reason we have
low energy is primarily due to our attachment to our personality. We are
conditioned creatures of habit, and the more we behave the same, the lower our
energy gets over time. Anything we can do to shake up our energy and
conditioned patterns will increase our energetic vibration, our awareness and
have a healing and transformational side effect. While all the things above
will rise our energetic vibration and cause healing to happen, the most
effective way to have healing happen is to learn to merge with and become one
with the dark energy source itself. The most profound healing happens when our
mind is quiet and still, which for most people only happens for a few minutes
in a special time of sleep at night. With stillness the source of the problem
can be cured, which happens with a reorganization of the mind itself. Once we
know this to be true, there only remains our task to become skilled at
mediation and learn how to quiet the mind on demand on a daily basis. When we
detach from our mind, by not using our mind-voice to animate our personality, then
our energy body can freely be reorganized in the mind, body, and profound
healing happens. Use of energy by the person as 'personality' is normally a
24/7 use of energy and not known by many is how much energy is needed to
activate and animate the personality. When you learn how to turn this animation
off, a huge energy gain is returned, healing accelerates as well as increased
level of self-realization.
We all have the Potential to be healers
The dark energy is everywhere and inside everyone, everyone
has access to it and has the potential to be a healer. I would go so far as to
say every human will eventually become a healer, because self-healing is a
necessary step to reach further steps in evolution. Everything is energy,
humans are energy beings and all problems can be corrected energetically. The
roots of human problems are attachment to material forms, or the visible world,
which has the inherent problem to hide or veil our energetic reality. Our main
physical attachment is to our ability to self-reflect by using our mind and
then reacting emotionally from what we are thinking. This creates an illusion
of an activated physical entity, or 'personality'. It is this illusion we
generate with use of our mind and emotions that we are primarily attached. The
longer we stay attached to generation and interaction with this illusion, the
sicker we become. Ultimately, only an individual has the power to stop the
habit of using their mind-voice to activate the personality, by using their
will power, focus and skills of concentration to withdraw energy away from
using the mind in this way. The more an individual practices doing this, the
more mental clarity, emotional calmness, increased vitality and awareness they
will develop. Eventually the growing force will be strong enough in each
person, that they will gladly accept the challenge to heal themselves and will
do whatever it takes to fully heal.
When you are first starting your healing journey, it can be
a wise decision to get help from someone who has already healed themselves.
These people have an abundance of information on healing and
self-transformation, so you do not have to reinvent the wheel. They can be a great
catalyst for your healing or spiritual awakening when you are first starting as
their energetic vibration is much higher than most.
Distance Healing is a
Natural Therapy
Energy healing is an effective therapy for any physical,
mental, emotional or spiritual condition. Energy healing can easily be combined
with conventional therapies with no negative side effects and addresses healing
of the root cause of the issue. Energy healing is actually done by your own
internal healer, which has a wisdom we cannot fathom. Energy healing thus works
in a natural order, where your healer determines how to use the boost in energy
to heal what is most important for your survival. As an energy healer you don't
need to direct the energy in any particular way, you can trust that the
internal healer knows perfectly how to heal the person and what is needed to be
healed in which order. Having observed many healing processes, it is natural
that your body will work first to clean out toxins and congestions in the lymph
and organs and then to activate energy centers on the spine known as chakras,
as this is the quickest way to ramp up your own energetic vibration. Cleansing
nearly always happens first and is a good thing, because in later healings it
is necessary to have an open functioning and strong elimination system to
remove larger amounts of toxins.
Maintain Healthy Energy
In our stressful times and increasingly toxic world, it is very
important that people incorporate some aspect of energy healing into their
daily lives. It is important just like brushing your teeth to prevent cavities,
to do some healing activity each day to maintain mental clarity, emotional
stability, vibrant health and awareness. The basics of energy healing is
healing happens when the mind is quiet, so finding a way each day to settle the
mind is the most important thing you can practice. The proven and age-old
practice of sitting meditation is one of the most effective things to learn and
do. With this practice, you learn how to turn off the mind-voice and deactivate
animation of the personality. In the space you achieve quiet mind by doing
this, your energy blocks will heal. Each second of quiet mind is very precious
and there is great healing potential in even a second. Energy moves very fast,
so a second can be a long time. As you practice, your ability to sustain quiet
mind will increase, as well your awareness level, so each day you do it you
start out stronger than the day before. Another effective tool is learning how
to do energy healing and doing it daily. If you continue like this, you will
fully heal yourself of all problems and then you will be in a great position to
help others heal.
How does distance
healing work?
In reality there is actually no distance between yourself
and another person, we are connected though the ever present pool of universal
dark energy. It is only in the visual and perceptual world that the world seems
solid and we get the sense of being separated objects in time and space. Dark
energy fills all spaces and connects us all as described above. Distance
healing works just like an in-person healing with a few minor differences.
Distant energy healing happens by entrainment. From physics,
we know that every thing vibrates. From Newton's
Laws of motion we know when two objects meet each other, the vibrations of the
two objects will synchronize with each other. The object with higher vibration
will slow down and the object with slower vibration will speed up, until the
two synchronize with each other and 'meet' to establish 'a line of
communication'. This process of synchronization known as entrainment is a main
reason why energy healing works. During entrainment as vibrations speed up and
slow down, it causes vibration in all the tissues of the body, which flows
through the muscles and does 'work' to open and heal areas of blocked energy. The
synchronization process only takes a few minutes, and after this the vibration
in both objects starts to accelerate from their synchronized 'meeting point'.
The vibration in both objects will continue to increase, as long as the objects
stay in contact with each other. This is done in a distance healing by
maintaining focus and in person by lying on of hands. Increasing vibration
means healing or transformation is happening in both objects, as it is removing
stagnant flows of energy to be able to 'raise' the vibration to a higher level.
These energy blocks are like a line that runs through body
and mind, so the entire line is opened from mind to body. As the vibration
increases, it shakes people out of their conditioned habit of using their
energy to animate their personality. In short, people receiving an energy
healing tend to go quiet in mind and receive a real transformative healing,
which cures the root cause of their physical energy block that has the cause in
the mind itself. This is what happens during the healing phase of sleep to keep
the body maintained, but it is a very short amount of time and is not long
enough to heal chronic long-standing conditions. A skilled distance healer has
the ability to put a person into a deep state of quiet mind for a long period,
thereby giving the persons system a clear shot to cure the root cause of any
condition, which exists primarily in the mind. I will tell you a secret. The physical
object with the strongest energetic vibration you can entrain to (on earth) is
another human being. A distance healer who has healed themselves can greatly
increase another person's energetic vibration, because their own vibration is
higher than most people. Getting distance healings from such a person can give
you a large boost to help you heal the cause of your problem and to elevate
your self-realization level.
Distance healing works at the energetic level, which is what
makes it a very valuable healing method, because an energetic flow or imbalance
is the cause of physical problem. Distance healing works to open energy blocks
and reorganize the mind and nervous system, it is like opening up an energy
channel that previously had low energy flow. This is the source of the physical
problem and when the channel is opened, it allows energy to get to the area
causing a healing of the physical problem. The actual healing is done by your
own body; it is not done by the healer. The healer is only the catalyst to
raise your vibration up high enough to allow the energy reorganization to
happen. The physical change is later manifested as healed tissue in the mind
and body, and becomes apparent when the cells replenish with new growth. A
distance healing therefore can have healing effects that go on for many months
How is a Distant
Healing Done?
When in contact with a person locally, there is more
resistance to being healed. Being physically touched creates reactions and resistance
itself. It is hard for a person to fully relax and be in a meditative state
while being physically touched. Distance healing can be much stronger than in
person energy healing, because a person usually feels very little and if they
do feel something, it is pleasant like blissful tingly light energy, which
never feels threatening. When there is contact at a distance, there is much
less personal resistance thus the body vibration can rise much higher as the
person is not diverting any energy to 'protect themselves' and healing is more effective.
A second reason why distance healing can be stronger than in person healing is
the healer can maintain a deeper state of concentration and state of quiet
mind, because there are fewer distractions, resulting in a higher level of
vibration, which has more healing potential.
A distance healing is done by the healer first activating
his or her own vibration to raise it to a high level to begin the energy
healing. Next, the distance healer clearly identifies the being or place they
want to energetically connect with. What is needed to establish a connection
for distance healing is a clear reference to the person's unique identifying
vibration signature. Several things are unique for each person and can be used
such as photo, name, geographical location, birth date or an object the person
once held. The other thing a distance healer specifies is the time for the
distant healing. We need to specify the time we want to work with the person or
thing. A distance energy healing can happen in any timeframe simply with the healer's
intention because all times exist at the same time, sort of like there exist
many parallel universes. Each individual has a unique vibration depending on
the timeframe, as every living being is changing each second we are alive. The
individual characteristics plus the timeframe and location creates a unique
signature vibration, which a distant healer can tune into and connect with. Given
the flexibility of the time parameter, distance energy healings can be given
for past, present or future times.
Next, the distance healer states their intention for the
healing, which is normally a request from the person being healed. This sets an
intention, focal point and timeframe for the exchange of healing energy for the
distance healing session. At the beginning of a distance energy healing, the
healer requests a connection with the person, place or animal using the unique
identifiers and requested time and then trusts it is so and then tunes into
feeling the energy moving in their own body and enters into a meditative state.
The synchronization process of entrainment can be felt as a pulling and pushing
force as the connection between the people establishes. It is like the
synchronization of a large wave. This is like establishing a physical link or
cord between the healer and the other being and only takes a minute or so. It
is comparable to lying on of hands when physically present. After the link is
established, there are several different ways to give distance healings. What I
do is visualize myself as the person I am connected with and give an energy
healing to my own body using reiki and acupressure techniques using my
intuition as needed. As the distance healing goes on, vibration in both healer
and person being healed increases and progresses through a natural cycle. The
strongest vibration is generated around the 45-minute mark and energy typically
is working strongly at this time in the mind with the most profound healing.
After the session is complete, the healer requests that the connection that was
established with the person or place be disconnected.
After A Distance
After a distance healing physical problems are corrected
energetically, and later on the physical healing will occur when new cells are
grown in the problem area. During a distance healing, some people are very
sensitive to the energetic healing and feel much and others are not and feel
nothing. You do not have to be able to feel the working energy in a session for
it to be effective, it is working whether you feel it or not. Ability to feel
the working energy increases with a higher awareness level. After a distant
healing people often feel highly energized and refreshed. It is normal not to be
able to sleep the first night after a distance healing, as the nervous system
is highly energized. Even with a restless sleep, people awaken in the morning
feeling very rested.
What qualities should
I look for in a skilled distance healer?
A skilled distance healer should state that they have healed
themselves and are continuing to work with their healing. Healing is not a
one-time event and must be maintained like the good habit of brushing our teeth
each day to prevent cavities. A healer that meditates and gives frequent energy
healings will be maintaining a strong vibration. The distance healer should
have the ability to build up a sufficient force in the body at the start or
raise their vibration to a concentrated level. They should have the ability to
quiet their mind and maintain steady focus for a sustained period of at least
one hour. Distance healing can be very effective for healing all kinds of
problems such as headaches, colds, helping people recover from operations or
traumatic events, preventing illness, boost energy when facing stressful
events, healing past events, healing pets and healing any kind of mental,
emotional or physical problem. It is also very effective to increase
self-awareness level so distance healing is a type of shaktipat and useful for
any spiritual seeker to increase their awareness level. Every day distance
healing is becoming more widely accepted into mainstream viewpoints about its
effectiveness as more people experience it's benefits. Energy healing is a
skill I encourage everyone to sample, learn, explore, and bring into their
daily life for maintaining vibrant health and acute awareness.